Kyoto Streets Song - Teragoko & Marutake Ebisu

While wandering around Kyoto, I happened to spot a handle with an arrow next to a sign that said "Turn 7 times." Curious about what might happen, I gave it a try. After the seventh turn, I looked around, wondering what to do next. That’s when I noticed two bright orange buttons. Pressing the first one triggered a song, and lights on a nearby map began to glow!

It turns out the song is a traditional Kyoto children’s tune, teaching them the names of the city's streets. There's one for east-west streets, called "Ebitake Ebisu," and another for the north-south streets, "Teragoko."

Wonder what else I might discover!


Jurong Lake Skate Park - Singapore


Gentle Kyoto Walks - Unryu-in Temple to Soy Milk Miso Ice Cream